September 22, 2011


passenger - Threadless T-shirts, Nude No More
I had so much fun doing this passenger. Its about freeloaders, sleepyheads (unikeko in finnish), dreamers and for those who are living their life in a half sleep. Or sleeping in trains and metros missing their destinations or maybe being late for work. I would like to say that is time to wake up and do things not just dream of them. But same time the biggest sleepy season is coming. So many animals will be winter sleeping while people just keep going.

p.s kuvassa on jopa symbolinen unikko, josta yritin tehdä sellaisen ettei se vain vahingoita Marimekon tekijänoikeuksia. Olisin kyllä tykännyt antaa kukan olla ilman ääriviivoja.


p.p.s you can buy now this design on my society6 page here. There is many kinds of products like framed art piece, tote bag or pillows:) Would be so cool if my sloth would get to travelling into the street in some tote bag in some part of this world. He is kind of secret passenger and hitchhiker just very dreamy and sleepy one.

September 6, 2011

Bar Zombie

Bar Zombie - Threadless T-shirts, Nude No More

I participated to another Threadless challenge. Threadless Loves Horror.
My mistake was just not to add right away a template where you can see design on t-shirt so my design was declined at first. I uploaded the design again with correct t-shirt but it might be that it will be just in normal scoring.

Anyway I hope you enjoy this design. I was thinking a sentence:
"A zombie is physically identical to a normal human being, but completely lacks concious experience."
Yeah oktoberfest is coming in Germany and soon zombies looks like normal human being indeed:)

If you don't want to be as the rest of local zombies I recommend this creative recycle festival:)