This will be our schedule:
on Tuesday: you will write/design your own story with stones.
Make sure you have a lot of nice stones to play with.
on Wednesday: you will write/design your own story with wires.
Tue with lots of stones, Wed with a lot of wires. Metal ones
are the best.
on Thursday: you will write/design your own story with hair.
Make sure you have a pair of scissors...
on Friday: you will write/design your own story with string.
on Saturday: you will relax, get lost in a dream-like state of
mind or catch up on the week’s homework.
on Sunday: you will relax, explore meanings and metaphors, or
catch up on the week’s homework.
Here is some inspirational photos of different stone gardens from the Berlin Garden of theWorld:
chinese garden |
korean garden |
korean garden |
korean garden |
japanese garden |
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