August 23, 2011

Log Lady

Log Lady 2 - Threadless T-shirts, Nude No More

Here is my newest work. T-shirt design on Threadless.
There was a T-post competition on Threadless with a theme "Green is as green does". T-post magazine is really cool initiative:) I hope my design could become part of it.
Would be great if someone would vote on Threadless. Voting will start in 1-2 days and last then for 1 week. In one week I should have more than 500 votes in order to get printed.

I hope to keep active so I can post here more of the things I do. Its funny how much drawing takes place back scene of these final design. Process is always nice as I come up with so many ideas that makes many more designs.

I will also dedicate some future designs to my dear cat Black Jack that escaped when we had our last holiday day in Finland. Luckily he was found after 3 weeks in a little bit thinner version of himself and one of my friend could travel with him back to Berlin.