May 19, 2014

101/87 Purple fabric


Here is my purple fabric. I woke up one day and realised I have purple curtains. I was gonna move out of the house and would not need these curtains anymore. I was so happy I didn't have to go buy the fabric.

Later I realised the fabric is quite transparent and my Burda model needs 2 different kinds of fabric. I found another fabric from RAW temple flea market just for 2 euro. That man was selling that week so many fabrics and sewing kits. Next week when I visited him again he had totally different kind of stuff and no sewing things. I asked what about the things he didn't sell and he said he donated them to some people. He says he has every week new "old" things . This is good example again of how in life persons and things and situations change all the time. I was very lucky to find my fabrics.

No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man.
- Heraclitus

101/86 Paper model!

This was not a easy task. First of all. I didn't realise that when downloading pattern from internet can be super easy then the pattern still has to be made afterwards by A4 papers. In my case my Burda pattern had 60 A4 pages to connect. Usually I have been proud to make my design101 task in 1 hour but this was really a big day project. When you connect the papers you need to be careful that the lines are matching.

Here is my final Burda pattern ready:

While trying to understand the instructions I realised with a help of a friend, Barbara that this Burda pattern gave me actually forms to 3 different dresses. In the end I needed just to use 4 peaces of it for my model: front peace, back peace, sleeve and pocket. My cat could happily start playing with the rest of the paper.

Next thing I needed to do the paper model. Only paper I had was newspaper. It took some time to unite that too to become a "fabric" and then I cut the forms and taped them together.

This process went quite fast and I got no picture after all of my paper model. It was also looking very bad. I kept thinking why I am doing this thing at all. I still learned some important things and I am glad I didn't give up.

1. how to cut the back part seams correctly. They were shown as 2 triangles in the pattern in the back part and first I cutted them as triangle holes. Then I realised you need to juts cut a one line in the middle that you sew straight. This really saved my fabric from a fatal error.
2. that I needed to cut the fabric with 2-3 margins so I would have enough space if I needed it later.

Dressing people design101/85 Burda Pattern

It took some time to find the Burda pattern for my purple dress destined to the final #blaueblumen exhibition at Designtransfer. First I kept searching it from flea markets in Berlin and found last the Burda magazine copy from a second hand shop in Prenzlauerberg. It was a magazine of 1975. Unfortunately that magazine had no pattern sheet attached to it. I tried to read long and hard the German instructions only to understand they didn't mention all of the measurements for the pattern so I could draw it myself. I even tried to copy the tiny drawing still visible in bigger size but it was too complicated to understand how to make it without real measurements.

But luckily there is internet and in there I found Burdastyle and bought one Burda pattern.

This is how the chosen model look:

April 25, 2014

design 52/101 Fluxus

 I have no boxes left. All went to moving my stuff. But I have collected these things from the week I spent with my best friends in Berlin. This is dedicated for you Neon and Bellarebel.

Barbara gave me this barbie and ken while visiting me in Berlin.

April 23, 2014

81/101 Time to bring my tent out when outside is -3!

1st experience alone:
It was very cold and the first idea how to tide the tent to a tree was very difficult when my fingers were freezing all the time.

 2nd experience with a friend.
I changed the way I hang up my tent. The revelation of the day is that weather changes the function: my tent is perfect for sliding hills with my friends. Looking forward to that.

80/101 It´s Plastic!

This was a real toxic plastic experience. These are my notes from my notebook.
-Today I felt like a Dexter. I started by sorting out the different kind of plastic in piles. And then I looked my bed and the room and realised its looking the same as when Dexter is preparing his killing spot! I was more killing myself with all the toxic of the air while ironing. But I had definitely the same kind of crazy gaze in my eyes; I was so exited to do the plastic fabric.

-The process is everything.
Things I learned today by doing:
- Always save material to future projects. I was lucky that I had already collected plastic for many years!
- I made this kind of project 2010 when we had Alice in the Wonderland party in the teahouse. I made then a plastic Alice dress.
- you can make beautiful colour combinations with plastic.
- It was easy to measure everything with the "body ruler" (I used the most arm spans and steps.)
- Its possible to make visible folding path when you just iron a bit folded edge. This way is possible to make actually origamis from the plastic too. I made 3 foldings that will help me to build up my tent.
- the plastic project can be easily enlarged if I need bigger shelter.
- things could be even ironed to the inner side as a pocket , for example mini grip bag for holding stuff.

079/101 Recycled voyage

First I made a new notebook for this Recycled Voyage project.
Its made out of different papers I have laying around at home.
Then I thought about what I do want and what I don´t want in my design project:
- to be able to finish something
- to use recycled material
- waterproof because its raining this time of the year
--> to make plastic fabric --> to give importance to recycled material
- final design has to be fast to make happen on the spot
- design has to be easy to carry and not too heavy as I love to hike long distances.
- to connect my work to environment but not hurt trees
- origami designs are interesting
- fold the fabric
- cover the ground and head i.e. good shelter
. I want to use ropes too
- not make too complex design as there is not much time or skill yet for it.
- not cut the fabric (fabric should remain rectangular format. fabric should be possible to use several kind of ways and to improvise also on the location with the project about how to use it)
here is some sketches

I made some plastic and have to make more!

Here is some of my prototypes.
1st one was a bit too complicated to make in origami style in real size 1/1.
I think there is already enough work to make the big plastic cover and then find the location for my project.