May 19, 2014

101/86 Paper model!

This was not a easy task. First of all. I didn't realise that when downloading pattern from internet can be super easy then the pattern still has to be made afterwards by A4 papers. In my case my Burda pattern had 60 A4 pages to connect. Usually I have been proud to make my design101 task in 1 hour but this was really a big day project. When you connect the papers you need to be careful that the lines are matching.

Here is my final Burda pattern ready:

While trying to understand the instructions I realised with a help of a friend, Barbara that this Burda pattern gave me actually forms to 3 different dresses. In the end I needed just to use 4 peaces of it for my model: front peace, back peace, sleeve and pocket. My cat could happily start playing with the rest of the paper.

Next thing I needed to do the paper model. Only paper I had was newspaper. It took some time to unite that too to become a "fabric" and then I cut the forms and taped them together.

This process went quite fast and I got no picture after all of my paper model. It was also looking very bad. I kept thinking why I am doing this thing at all. I still learned some important things and I am glad I didn't give up.

1. how to cut the back part seams correctly. They were shown as 2 triangles in the pattern in the back part and first I cutted them as triangle holes. Then I realised you need to juts cut a one line in the middle that you sew straight. This really saved my fabric from a fatal error.
2. that I needed to cut the fabric with 2-3 margins so I would have enough space if I needed it later.

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